jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2013




As part of the THE EDIBLE STAVANGER EAST project, we have tried to introduce in our arquitectural proposal the idea of food as a concept of urban development considering the benefits for the neighborhood.
This involves the investigation of the impact of urban agriculture on the built environment, economic systems and community cohesion.
Urban agriculture comprises the production, processing and distribution of food in an urban area. Many other related activities like for example creative business or cooking workshops can also be very interesting because of the positive effects in the community, working together to improve environmental, economic and social outcomes.
Our building site is in an industrial area, and we´ve tried to change the use and to transform it in an attractive project to increase the population density and to connect the site with the rest of the town.
We have design a modular buildings solution with an irregular layout that create a porosity atmosphere and invite to walk around finding out different spaces full of attractive plots of farming. The modules are planned to be an easy prefabricated and self-construction system with different kits options that the client can choose and built himself personalizing the final housing.


Considering the vegetables, fruits and herbs more likely to eat in Norway, and the planting time and maturity and harvesting periods, we designed the planting strategy taking into account ideal pairings of varieties depending of the speed in growing and the soil requirements of every variety. For this purpose a rotating cycle of four groups of plants with different soil demand, can be an intelligence option than allow the ground to recover its nutrients.
Green houses are included in some flat roofs, to allow some year-round growing plants and herbs and so ensure that we’ll always have necessary cooking herbs on hand.

Solar access is a critical factor in this case, studding the amount of sunlight we have in every area, rain rates and the shadows, we have determine the types of plants are able to grow on each site. The planting strategy must work within these existing conditions and constraints. Every crop has its solar needs; there are sun-dependent crops, buy also shade-tolerant plants.
         We have considered of course the shaded areas that will produce our buildings and trees, and the seasonal behavior of the sun before choosing the varieties.
In Stavanger there are more than 260 rainy days per year, and this also determines what to plant. We can store rainwater in the modules roofs to use when necessary.

Seedlings and composting from the waste from the crops to use it as organic manure or fertilizer are also related activities to do.

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